Tuesday, October 27, 2009

The Harp

The Harp- A stringed instrument that in the medieval period played a part in a lot of the music of that time. they had a bray pin that was fitted on the harp to make it have a buzzing noise. It has a triangle shape because it gives the instrument more structure. Info for the harp comes from this site.

Medieval Music in Ireland.

Well to start off I am doing a Blog Post on medieval Ireland. At the start of the Medieval times in Ireland they were just getting out of the viking era and moving into the Lordship of Ireland (1169-1536, Aka the Medieval Period). When the Lordship began the people living in Ireland were the Normans, who came during the entry into the medieval period, and the remaining Gaelic clans scattered throught Ireland. When the King of England saw that Ireland was becoming a stronger country, because of this "lordship" he invaded, because he was afraid that it could become stronger than England. What does this have to do with music in anyway? Well when King Henry II invaded Ireland he did it because Pope Adrian IV issued a charter to Henry telling him he had the right to take over Ireland. I believe that this started a religous movement in Catholisim and started some of the medieval music of the period. What I have researched at the moment has proven to be that most of the music was sung orally with harps and timpanis.

Friday, October 2, 2009

What the bone flute looks like.

While I was searching through trying to find info I found this pic of the Bone Flute I thought I would link it.

For the next part of this assiginment I found a artical about the boneflute.